What does uwu mean
What does uwu mean

what does uwu mean what does uwu mean

Uwu is sometimes seen as the ‘anime happy face’, but its origin is uncertain. Although there is no shortage of people who use it to talk about any matter in an ironic way or to trolling. You can also use this term whenever you see some beauty and cuteness in your life.Although in other cases it also means presumption or feeling satisfied about something. The term uwu is a cute expression to depict various cute feelings and conditions, so no wonder if this term becomes popular. Read also: What is SMH? Meaning and Origin Conclusion Starting from then, this term finally is used commonly by a lot of people out there in their daily life. Several years later, in 2018, uwu started to get massive attention after Mark Hamill tweeted this term. This modern term first was discovered online in 2005 on an online manga and anime fan fiction site at the time.Īfter that, the usage of this term became more popular on digital platforms in the late 2000s on the rise of social media and increased popularity of East Asian. In that kaomoji, uwu is defined as cuteness and is often being drawn on various Japanese art, such as manga and anime. The first usage of this term is connected to a type of Japanese emoticon, kaomoji, that incorporates Japanese special character. The usage of this term generally is used at the end of a sentence to express the message with various feelings. Usually, this term is used by people when it comes to digital platforms, such as in fan culture or even fan art. In another usage, uwu also has a relation with its sibling emoticons, such as owo or owu that represent surprise and excitement. This term is used to describe a feeling that is warm, cute, happy, and even an affectionate ambition in a certain condition.

what does uwu mean

When it comes to definition, this term ‘uwu’ can be defined as an expression of a cute face or feeling when responding to something.

What does uwu mean